Auto Fraud Finished

Told by Investigative Analyst Busch, California Law Enforcement Special Task Force:

We’d been facing a significant rise in reported auto damage and thefts, which seemed to correlate to an increase in automotive insurance fraud. These schemes often involve fraudsters bombarding insurers with numerous claims, that quickly result in fast payouts and add up to substantial losses for the insurance companies.

"Thanks to these findings in VIXN, the fraud ring is now facing prosecution, and our investigations have expanded to include several other potential rings."
Analyst Busch

Determined to shift from defense to offense in combating this fraud, our task force of local law enforcement was formed to identify and bring charges against the perpetrators. 

After a few weeks of attempting to compare claims against auto damage and theft reports, we were introduced to VIXN. Pablo helped us import all of this data into VIXN within a couple days, and then our analysis work really took off.

In VIXN we could search for activity among and between insurance claims and police reports for specific locations and time periods to find connections and patterns. As persons of interest surfaced, VIXN search tools allowed us to retrieve additional information on these people — their addresses, vehicles, relatives, etc.

With this expanded information available, the VIXN Graph began to reveal hidden links among the suspicious claimants.

In one of our initial investigations using VIXN, we zoomed in on two claimants within a specific radius. Viewed separately, these profiles appeared unconnected; however, the VIXN Graph quickly highlighted that both claimants had a mutual contact who shared an address with each. This discovery was our first significant lead.

Digging deeper, our unit traced other shared phone numbers and addresses in VIXN, eventually unveiling a network of 20 individuals—friends and relatives of the original claimants. Together, this group had filed dozens of fraudulent claims, racking up total payouts of around $1M.

Thanks to these findings in VIXN, the fraud ring is now facing prosecution, and our investigations have expanded to include several other potential rings.

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